Recommendations for the Management of Diarrhea with Trofinetide use in Rett Syndrome provided by medical specialists

Recommendations for the Management of Diarrhea with Trofinetide use in Rett Syndrome” was recently published in the journal Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs, and I was pleased to participate as one of the authors. The paper focuses on patients with Rett syndrome, a rare neurodevelopmental disorder with no previously approved therapy, who were taking Trofinetide, a comparable glycine-proline-glutamate (GPE), which is a protein that occurs naturally in the brain. Trofinetide treatment confers improvements in RTT-related symptoms, but the medication is commonly known to promote diarrhea. In this paper, neurologists and pediatric GI specialists at hospitals located throughout the U.S., provide practical recommendations on how to manage diarrhea associated with trofinetide use that allows tolerance to the medicine, ultimately enhancing the lives of individuals with RTT and caregivers. Here is a link to this article:

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