GI Issues in Autism and Related Behaviors Detailed in New Paper

Similar to developing appropriate methods to identify and measure autism features, there has been a need for well-designed and validated testing process to identify GI issues in the autism community. Standard questionnaires currently used are not focused on behavioral presentations that may represent GI distress. Calliope Holingue champions this issue with a major outcome, a validated GI assessment for individuals with autism. This newly developed method of assessment is fully described and the research detailed in the recently published article in Autism Research: “Characteristics of the Autism Spectrum Disorder Gastrointestinal and Related Behaviors Inventory in Children.” *

I was privileged to watch first hand, the development of this invaluable project and participate in it becoming a reality. Calliope and her mentors were so focused and committed to bringing forth this new tool for autism caregivers to use. I am grateful to have witnessed her accomplishment and am so impressed with her leadership in bringing our field forward.

This article may be accessed on the publisher’s (Wiley) website. Here's the link to Autism Research open source *(ASD-GIRBI) *paper: [], First published: 18 March 2022; Calliope Holingue, Luther G. Kalb, [Rashelle Musci], [Colleen Lukens], [Li-Ching Lee] , [Jamie Kaczaniuk], [Michelle Landrum], [Timothy Buie], [M. Daniele Fallin]

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